An open letter from a Daimon

Daimon, Ethics -

An open letter from a Daimon

Written under guidance from the Admiral on 12/19/2018.

My life is guided by an ethical code higher than any policy or strategic intent of the organizations I have yet to encounter.

As an agnostic, I am not guided by a theology. I admit theology has had a significant impact on my life. My beliefs are influenced by the religions I have practiced or observed. Inter-mixed with my religious experiences has been an education guided by classical thinking. I am aware of myself as the observer and the role that plays in the human condition. I am aware I will die someday and whatever happens beyond that is none of my concern.

I live my life with a focused intent of the impact of my actions and behavior in the present context. To demonstrate to you the practice and mastery of the art of crafting an ethical narrative, I will present a piece of who I am for evaluation. The evaluator is humanity for the rest of history. I will speak to the context of this as it impacts my relationships with the people and their organizations I encounter.

It has been rewarding to walk with Jesuits. I have met an interesting group of thinkers. The impact of the lessons I have learned are life altering.

Occasionally, I recognize myself as a walking corpse. Sometimes the realty of feeling this way has profound impacts on my life and current behavior. I don’t mention this as any morbid thing. I mention it to create rapport and establish commonality. Regardless of our affiliations or beliefs we all admit our bodies are left here on Earth for a period, then reborn into something else. We transition from this reality to another reality. It is a commonality I have experienced with every theology and belief system so far.

Walking through my past has caused me a wide range of emotions. Here is what is important from what I have learned by doing so; I have not thought about my own mortality for quite some time. I was young when I first accepted my fate to die. Since then I lived in blissful ignorance of my fate focusing on hedonistic pleasures to distract me. Subtly lingering in the back of my mind has been a consciousness who dreams of a reality improving with each passing day. A reality improving for this consciousness and all others. I am a humanist, so I philosophically associate with the Jesuits. However, I won’t share with you my methods of awakening unless you pay me.

A lesson I have learned is family is always more important because time spent in the moment is the most valuable with family. I combine this with another lesson I have learned: Our best work often comes under strict deadlines and at the last minute.

When I brought this consciousness forward, my life improved quickly. The improvement comes
from understanding where we all are at this moment in time.

I remain neutral good in the world of Dungeons & Dragons at this current moment in my existence.

Where do we go from here? When you tell me about yourself, I learn a great deal of information about the world through your experiences and vice versa.

Welcome to what I call, a lesson learned from the truth of the present.

The quicker we communicate the greater we increase the length of our survival here on Earth and the survival of your organization and humanity.

I say this under the context of understanding the
best information is from the most present moment in time. Applied correctly we all succeed.
Applied incorrectly we all die.

Ethics is the foundation of any organization. An organization is made of individuals. I am an individual. As I improve, those around me improve if my behavior is ethical and correct. The opposite would be where if I improve and those around me decline. Of the two, the former is ideal to the latter in every context associated with liberty or life.

I don’t like talking about myself and what I can do. I prefer to discuss what the royal We, can do. This hope and aspiration for the future powers my behavior and interactions with you at this present moment.

If I have been successful in connecting with you wink once. If not, then I sound like a crazy person.O

Of the social sciences, philosophy was my first love. My undergraduate and personal schedule wasl loaded with theory classes. It coincides with a period in my life where my mentors have been advising “slow down” and “go back.” The reward has been slowing down and going back into the memories I have from experiences with ethical issues. The fundamental lessons from my past are a strong influence on who I am as a leader and individual.

I will demonstrate some of the techniques I have been working on.

In my professional life there have been times where I have skirted along an edge of ethical and
unethical behavior at one level while walking with fidelity in another. These experiences have
led me to rationalize the existence of the double-narrative. The double-narrative is a name I have
given to the communication technique of conveying a message appealing to audiences of varying
ideologies (e.g. political and spiritual). The double-narrative would be useful in intersectional
and cross-movement politics. Similar to the dual narrative concept from literature. This technique creates commonality and awareness cross-sectionally in the audience and reader. The result is awareness of the other. Awareness of the other is initially an ideologically neutral position. Morally relative perspectives of the other are formed by external influences. Our strongest concepts of “We are good” and “They are bad” come from our family and friends. From there our opinions are reinforced by
information in the media we consume.

We influence other people close and far from us. Like leaders influence their teams. Leaders and
the members of the team have a responsibility to communicate ethically. We do it in the “how”
and “what” we say to each other. As leaders have a responsibility to communicate ethically, so
do the team members. morality of the team. Leaders participate in crafting the meaning of the
mission when they communicate with the team.

Leaders participate in crafting the meaning of the mission when they communicate with the team.
Leaders have a significant influence on the morality of the team. Leaders communicate using quick
language called “notifications.” Good luck out there! 

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